Television Versus Books
I’ve mentioned elsewhere that a couple of decades ago on our farm we bred, reared and raced Thoroughbreds. That’s well in the past, but...

Fantastic Adventures
The Wizard’s Conscript might be described as somewhat old-fashioned as books for 10-14 year olds go...

The Wizardry Of Words
Many, many years ago (well, at least twenty), my consort presented me with this box of tissues. Why?

There are many unicorns (well, five!) in my upcoming Middle Grades book: The Wizard’s Conscript.

The Dragon Of Death, And Other Weird Coincidences
Right now I’m experiencing another quest, with three of Caeri’s friends, as I immerse myself in writing book number 2 of the All the Corners

An American Friend Who Writes
I mentioned my American friend Barbara in the previous blog. Barbara and I, courtesy of the Girl Guides and Girl Scouts, became penpals...

Friends Who Write
Many writers of fiction are introverts. It would be wonderful to spend each day at the computer, lost in imaginary worlds, and not...

On my Author Facebook page, I posted a vow that I would clean up my office. So much paperwork to sort out. Lots of it relates to family, and

Books Of All Types - Part 2
There’s a Queensland author who writes historicals with Australian settings. She’s very popular overseas, particularly in Germany. I’ve read

Books Of All Types - Part 1
These days I buy only from friends, people with whom I’m sharing the writing journey. The less heavy lifting when I eventually downsize, the