Further Ruminations About The Past
Genealogical research is an amazing thing. I first started my investigations at the National Library in Canberra decades ago when recovering

Engrossed In The Past
This writing lark is a fine excuse for reading books. We writers learn how to create by reading the work of others. Occasionally a book can

When we travel, we can imagine our fictional characters doing what we do. So, for example, we take note of what it feels like to use public

The English Language Is Evolving
Those of us whose first language is English are fortunate. Wherever we travel, inevitably there are other English speakers who can help us d

Amazing Stories Are Out There
When you begin researching your family, you are drawn into a world of wonderful stories. Dozens of tales from other countries. My grandmothe

So-Called Progress
My parents had purchased our house from my late grandmother’s estate. Built in the 1830s, there were a few convict bricks and, under the tin

Another Genre
I’m looking forward to this story evolving into an actual book. Then I can truly say, to quote the famous fantasy author Neil Gaiman, “A boo

The Perfume Of Books
The smell of those books! Sniffing a brand new book, I’m immediately taken back. Smell is a powerful sense. One we, as authors, should never

Write What You Know
Murdered anyone lately? Enjoyed an erotic escapade? Visited the court of a 17th century king, as one of the writers in my critique group is

Signs And Portents
Is the room a place to take fractious babies during a service, or somewhere to have a good sob after a chat with an understanding vicar? It’