Tempus Fugit
If you’ve the urge to write, finding time to do so is difficult when others want a piece of you. These days, with computers, novels can be w

This leads me to thoughts about other authors whose talks I’ve attended and subsequently met. I think Toni Jordan has to be the loveliest, b

A Room Of Her Own
Rhonda, commenting on a previous blog, said: “You can tell what a person is like from the books on his shelves”. I like to think, in my case

Poor Health, Postponements, And The Press
I had an interview with a magazine, local to the area where I grew up. Leading up to that event I was nervous. But prior to the interview, I

Scoundrels, Seafarers And Schmoozers
Revelations concerning this particular branch of the family continue. My hero and heroine’s real life counterparts had children who befriend

History, Hogs And Hardening Up
There was a longing there, though, to start using my imagination, and write fiction. Cue the Romance Writers of Australia.

So Where To Next?
Do I revise my Young Adult fantasy story, with its parallel-world medieval setting?
Should I write the next chapter in my family saga serie

Assisted Publishing
Apart from her assistance, Ocean organised it all: website, publication of the book and short stories as e-books, print books of the novel,

Nobody Said It Would Be Easy
The idea for it appeared out of nowhere. I love that story. It’s fun, and mad, and one day I’ll publish it.

The Skeletons You Uncover
In the photograph, the booklet is a contemporary 1794 account of the court case. I found it in a San Francisco bookshop that specialises in