So many books. So little time.
People I know tell me they’re in the habit of reading old favourites every year.
Well, apart from how-to books on writing, I rarely indulge. There are too many books waiting to be discovered. I’ve given many away; some books I can’t bear to part with.

Decades ago, in collecting mode, I bought books by H V Morton. A wonderful travel writer (though not a particularly nice man, apparently). Some of his travels date back to the 1920s, and evoke a long lost world.
Then there’s my collection of Beverley Nichols books. Some about the theatrical world he inhabited, but my favourites document the establishing of a cottage garden. Again, books from decades past.
In the crime section (as signified by a “Chopper” cutout), I’ve the whole series of A-Y books by Sue Grafton. Sadly, she recently died, and there’ll be no “Z”. Janet Evanovich is well represented here. Laurie R King, Shane Maloney (a talk I attended about his “hero” Murray Whelan was very funny), and books by the delightful Val McDermid.

This leads me to thoughts about other authors whose talks I’ve attended and subsequently met. I think Toni Jordan has to be the loveliest, but I’ve not yet encountered a dud. Writers are generally the best people!
Very soon I’m off to a gathering of my particular tribe. The romance writing community. Dozens of writers in attendance. Time to select the lanyard to hold this year’s identity label from amongst my collection hanging in a corner of the study (these days, being ecologically correct, we re-use the one issued 2 years ago). And time to gear up for non-stop learning and fun!
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