Fragments of Falling Stars
Most writers of fiction experiment with genres and different voices until they find the category that feels right for them.

I experimented with fantasy. My first full length manuscript concerned a feisty princess and a slightly immature king, and was set in an imagined medieval world. It was great fun to write, and Caeri and Arturo’s story may yet see the light of day. Then historical romance seduced me, but the fantasy writing had encompassed elements of romance and history, so wasn’t that far removed from the genre that ultimately tempted me.
The setting for Fragments of Falling Stars is another imaginary realm, this time in the Welsh Marches. Sophia’s family are aristocrats, but poor, though they’re asset rich. Daniel is a blacksmith, just getting by. Again, this is a fantasy, and a romance. This time, the era’s the eighteenth century, as is my historical romance The Heart Has Its Reasons, to be published later this year.

Fragments of Falling Stars was inspired by Welsh faery stories, so there’s magic, too.
In some areas of the Welsh Marches, as in Wales itself, you can easily imagine there are faery folk at work. Wales has some beautiful scenery and is rich in historical sites. One day I’d like to visit again, and continue my explorations.
I hope you like the photograph of Sophia’s home. It’s actually a place in the south of England, and it’s not a residence. Maybe you recognise it? Let me know if you can guess where and what it is.
Falling Stars is available for FREE by clicking this link
followed by the cover of the book. Enjoy.