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Poor Health, Postponements, And The Press

Assisted publishing isn’t for sissies.

Writers are, more often than not, introverts, and marketing books is therefore not easy. Health issues, too, can be a big impediment in getting books “out there”. After an operation earlier this year, my health is almost back to normal, but with my consort only recently going under the knife, it seems that it’s still several months before our household will be back on an even keel.

So, I’ve had to toughen up, and plough on regardless.

First, talking the talk. A fellow critique member (HOG) recommended Toastmasters. In fact, two of the HOGs did. It was a scary thought, having to promote a book in front of a crowd. But Toastmasters proved to be a revelation. Sure, it’s hard to get up and make a speech to 20 or 30 people, but Toastmasters gives unstinting support and there are lots of laughs. In fact, the hardest part in going along to weekly meetings is the early start—they kick off at 7 a.m.!

Then, at Gold Coast Writers Association (somehow, I wound up on the committee of that organisation), I met another Bronwyn; Bronwyn Taylor, talented artist and author of The Diaries of a Gifted Edwardian Boy. How could we not plan a presentation at our local library titled “The Two Bronnies”? Somehow, when there’s two of you, it’s a whole lot easier. It helps that we had lots of support from friends (including 3 from my wonderful critique group). The library staff, too, were tremendously supportive.

I had an interview with a magazine, local to the area where I grew up. Leading up to that event I was nervous. But prior to the interview, I sent the journalist a copy of the media kit on my website, plus extra photos, so he had lots of background information. Armed with copies of my book, we met up for coffee in the town where I’d gone to high school. I needn’t have been uptight. We had a terrific chat about all manner of things. He told me he was determined to use the word “swashbuckling” in the story, and he did!

To be honest, nowadays the hardest part regarding book promotion is cold-calling bookshops. Still haven’t mastered that one!

Running a very close second is using technology to get the word out there. As a technophobe, I find this very, very difficult. If only I had a techno wiz close at hand to organise me! I’ve tried relevant workshops, lectures and the like, but they’re never hands on or thorough enough for me to grasp the detail.

So, with promoting The Heart Has Its Reasons, it’s a case of hastening slowly, reading instructions and my publisher’s mentoring notes, trying to wrangle everything that needs to be done, and lots of finger crossing.

I’m learning. Slowly. But surely. By the time I get the next book out there, its promotion should be a doddle!

Meanwhile, praise be, I can at least confidently leave my website in the capable hands of Ocean Reeve Publishing. One less thing to agonise over.

The Heart Has Its Reasons is available for ORDER by clicking this link


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